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发布时间:2012/10/22 12:41:00 访问次数:8560



演讲话题:Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad for Chinese High School Students

组织者:刘琳  程茜




1.        a good opportunity to learn English from native speakers;

2.        to learn to live independently;

3.        to broaden their mind, learn diverse cultures, make more international friends and become more social;

4.        to escape the great pressure of Chinese National Entrance Examination;

5.        to get more opportunities to be admitted by TOP 10 or TOP 50 universities in the world;


1.        high expenses, a big burden for ordinary families;

2.        The feeling of loneliness may have a bad effect on their character;

3.        experience culture shock, find it difficult to adapt to everything: cuisine, customs……

4.        without parents’ supervision, difficult to resist some temptations like gambling or taking drugs

5.        lose their sense of national/cultural identity

All in all, each coin has two sides.






地点:C102  (高中部宿舍楼一层)


1.        对话话题:假设外宾参观我校,他向一位教师询问我校情况,请两位老师模拟当时的情景,编一段对话并表演。

参考问题:When does your school begin and finish every day?

          Do your students pack their lunch?

          Do students have to wear uniforms?

          How do students go to school every day?

          Do students have extracurricular activities? If so, what are they?

          How do teachers get their professional training?

          How does your school get education fund?


2.        演讲主题:Your Personality (你的性格)

(1)     List some of your typical strengths and weaknesses in your personality


(2)     Describe an event which has a long-term effect on your personality formation


相关词汇:outgoing 外向的

          sociable  爱交际的,合群的

          reserved 内向的,矜持的,寡言少语的

talkative 健谈的

          open culture 开放文化  /  conservative culture 保守文化

          turning point 转折点

          have a good/bad effect on…  有好的/坏的影响

          personal quality 个人品质

fierce determination坚强的意志

dogged perseverance不屈不挠

good conscience有良知


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